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  • Posted on February 2, 2013 at 15:46

Thinking about what I’m going to write when opening my site again, it occurs to me that my mind is blanco. It’s not that I’m absent minded. It’s just that right now I’m open to new or other thoughts than I had recently. I don’t have any intention to focus on a subject. It’s just….. well, the sun is shining brightly, it isn’t too cold and I love being quiet for the moment. So, it will probably take a while before I have finished this blog.

An blanco mind has its advantages. I’m not prejudiced in any way I can think of. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have an opinion nor a will. It’s just that I’able to see things from a different point of view. It might help to solve problems or even arguments.

I was asked to keep an open mind, should I start writing again. Point is, are we – human beings – able to skip any opion when listening and or watching? I doubt it. Still, it might be a good idea to start being open one day. It might reduce bloodpressure and avoid a lot of irritation of annoyance.

What will you do after having read this blog? Will you be quiet for a while? Or… will you take up again what you were doing before reading this piece?. It’s an interresting question whether people are able to stop thinking for a moment, to have an open mind, being blanco for a few seconds. I wonder

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